The Key To Stay Relevant: Versatility

The Key To Stay Relevant: Versatility

Staying relevant in the marketplace is one of the biggest challenges schools face every day. Given that the only constant today is change, the key to achieve it is not only being able to adapt easily, but doing it quickly; expanding areas of action and exploring...
Secrets To Efficient School Management.

Secrets To Efficient School Management.

¿Cuál es el secreto para lograr un centro educativo más eficiente a partir de su gestión? ¡Buena pregunta!  Ciertamente, un centro educativo podría llegar a ser una de las instituciones más complejas en temas de gestión. Involucra procesos en un rango tan amplio...
Quick Guide to a Successful Evaluation Meeting.

Quick Guide to a Successful Evaluation Meeting.

The time has come, awaited by many and feared by others: The evaluation boards. How to execute one successfully? As education professionals, we know how important learning assessment is. It not only reflects the growth that our students have had during a certain...
Tips for connecting teams around the world.

Tips for connecting teams around the world.

Nowadays, connecting teams around the world is not a trend, but a necessity. As time goes by, the globalized world has taken over every sector that impacts our lives. Education is no exception. We have reached the point where talking about a campus that is not...
We are part of the AWS Edstart program

We are part of the AWS Edstart program

We are proud to be part of the Amazon Web Services Edstart Program, this program will help us continue to grow our technology and reach broader audience in Europe and Latin America. AWS EdStart, the AWS educational technology (EdTech) startup accelerator, is designed...
The 4 most common mistakes when choosing a CRM

The 4 most common mistakes when choosing a CRM

Certainly, a CRM is a vital tool that can help you improve sales and retain and maintain lasting relationships with your customers. For this reason, a correct use of a CRM system can translate into favorable results and boost the growth of your center. To obtain all...