Registrations, receipts, invoices, payments to employees and suppliers… The financial management of an educational institution includes many procedures and data. With Classlife and its advanced educational ERP you can have them in the same space to be able to control and keep all payments up to date and, at the same time, streamline and automate processes.

We here explain how the functionalities of the  financial module of our platform can facilitate the day to day to your school and your team.

Define the foundations of your finances

With Classlife you can keep track of all payments and collections. You will only have to include the necessary data when setting up the financial module, in which you can introduce:

  • All bank accounts linked to the center.
  • Different accounts or registers depending on the needs of your institution: secretary register, savings account, a cash for check payments, etc.
  • All kinds of discounts: for large families, for school year, etc.
  • The indicators that will be used to generate series of invoices in the section of counters.

Organize all your money flows

Once this base configuration is made, it will be much easier to keep track of receipts, invoices, remittances and, ultimately, all the financial management of the center. In addition, all processes will be correlated between them, facilitating the automation of certain procedures and avoiding errors or loss of information and data.

With Classlife’s financial module you can:

  • Create personalized payment agreements for students: fractional payments, payments with multiple payers, with different forms of payment (card, direct debit receipts…), with customizable taxes, etc.
  • Generate and invoice receipts quickly and easily. These receipts are created automatically when students set up payment agreements and can be billed with a single click, also in bulk. In addition, it is possible to generate free receipts whenever necessary, unrelated to the enrollment.
  • Manage bank remittances. Control payments through direct debit receipts and generate the necessary files for your online banking.
  • Check the payment forecast and overdue balance according to the amounts, deadlines and due dates set out in the payment agreements.
  • Generate financial reports to monitor the economic activity of the center. You have a wide range of lists and reports with which to be up to date and have a global vision of the state of the institution’s finances.
  • Manage payments to suppliers. You can schedule payments and control expenses, add invoices and generate treasury reports.
  • Control and automate the payment of employees’ salaries. Take financial control of the human resources of your institution: generate worker cards, create the contracts you need and close all kinds of agreements thanks to the digital signature.

In addition, with Classslife you have the option to integrate the best solutions on the market and add new functionalities to all those already available in the platform.