For any educational center it is essential to have a perfectly organized and updated contact list in which to annotate and segment future and former students, potential clients and how they have contacted you. The functions that can be performed when you have a CRM program that helps you manage these issues are several, but beyond that, they will help you measure your development.
Classlife supports your growth through a platform that adapts to your needs to improve your resources and your results. Therefore, it has specific functions that, adjusting to your needs and requirements, offer you a range of possibilities, among which we highlight the following:

1- The platform allows you to register the different input channels with which your contacts have made their requests, as well as to automatically update your contacts’ information to inform you of their reentry. This way you can know which channel is more successful and which one you should reinforce.

2- It also allows you to communicate with your contacts via email from the platform itself and to keep all histories of the conversations so that attaching files and exchanging information is simpler than ever.

3- In addition, one of the functions that you can perform is to control the load of tasks that your commercials have and, also, to catalog by colors the actions they are doing. This way you will never miss the track and it will allow you to manage the volume of work in a much more visual way without resorting to external programs.

4- Finally, Classlife offers you opening analytics to measure the click volume of your campaigns and plan strategies according to your results.

In conclusion, Classlife offers you the possibility of integrating in the same platform essential functions to manage your contacts so you can grow and perform remarketing strategies adapted to your center and your own timing. For this reason, the sales module is specifically designed to meet the needs of all types of educational centers and, thus, make you feel that you finally use a tool designed for you and your center.